
A Global History

Recommended by Paul Lay, and 1 others. See all reviews
Since the heyday of Mao Zedong, there has never been a more crucial time to understand Maosim.

Although to Western eyes it seems that China has long abandoned the utopian turmoil of Maoism in favour of authoritarian capitalism, Mao and his ideas remain central to the People’ Republic and the legitimacy of its communist government. As disagreements and conflicts between China and the West are likely to mount, the need to understand the political legacy of Mao will only become more urgent.

Yet during Mao’s lifetime and beyond, the power and appeal of Maoism has always...

Reviews and Recommendations

We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Maoism from the world's leading experts.

Paul Lay This book is a wake-up call as to the true nature of China….This is a hugely significant book and a real eye-opener to anyone—and that’s most of us, let’s face it—who has not really grasped the true nature of China in the 21st century. (Source)

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