The Cat's Table

Recommended by Bill Gates, and 1 others. See all reviews

Ranked #10 in Sri Lanka, Ranked #80 in Canadian

In the early 1950s, an eleven-year-old boy in Colombo boards a ship bound for England. At mealtimes he is seated at the “cat’s table”—as far from the Captain’s Table as can be—with a ragtag group of “insignificant” adults and two other boys, Cassius and Ramadhin. As the ship crosses the Indian Ocean, the boys tumble from one adventure to another, bursting all over the place like freed mercury. But there are other diversions as well: they are first exposed to the magical worlds of jazz, women, and literature by their eccentric fellow travelers, and together they spy on a shackled prisoner, his... more

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Bill Gates CEO/Microsoft[On Bill Gates's reading list in 2012.] (Source)

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