Moral Essays

Volume II (De Consolatione ad Marciam. De Vita Beata. De Otio. De Tranquillitate Animi. De Brevitate Vitae. De Consolatione ad Polybium. De Consolatione ad Helviam)

Ranked #100 in Stoicism

Lucius Annaeus Seneca, born at Corduba (Cordova) c.4 BCE, of a prominent & wealthy family, spent an ailing childhood & youth at Rome in an aunt's care. He became famous in rhetoric, philosophy, money-making & imperial service. After some disgrace during Claudius' reign he became tutor & then, in 54, advising minister to Nero, some of whose worst misdeeds he didn't prevent. Involved (innocently?) in a conspiracy, he killed himself by order in 65. Wealthy, he preached indifference to wealth; evader of pain & death, he preached scorn of both; & there were other contrasts... more

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